Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hat for a hat party!!

I recently received an invitation for a "Hat Party", so I looked for something interesting on Pinterest and I found this wonderful little hat pattern, so I decided to make my own version and here is the result:

I was really pleased with my own crochet hat, so, I leave you a picture with me wearing it (Yes, he is my husband)

Neck warmer

This was a Christmas present for one of my cousins, I used the same flower that I did on this headband project.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


You know that you are growing up when you suddenly find yourself surrounded by children, and most of them are your friend's little ones.

For my part, I took advantage of the situation and decided to create a baby crochet board on Pinterest, and occasionally do favors for them :)Here you have two headbands models that will definitly look good in your friend's childrens head, or in yours!

For the first one I use a braid made with tree cords of singles crochet. The explanation of the flower is:

Orange chain 7 sl st 1rnd: Ch 10, sl st in next ch, 7 times 2rnd: sc, hdc, 8 dc, ch 2, 8 dc, sc in every 10 ch sp Yellow: ch 4, sl st back, 2 sc in orange flower, 7 times Attach a button

For this one I use this flower and a band made with 6 doble crochet.

Aren't they cute?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Coursage for a baby shower

This weekend my friends and I organized a Baby Shower for the first mother of the group, so I wanted to do something special for her and I decided to crochet a coursage :)

I was inspired by Pinterest and I looked for some patterns that could be helpfull, then I took my hook and voilá!

Here is the result:

I used a 100% cotton yarn and a hook of 2 mm, I first made the white dreamcatcher with this pattern then I made the circle of joy coaster, then the flower and leafs comes from here with a little modifications (more "petals" for the flower). and finally the stroller, that one is just trial and error so I didn't write it down. Then put a lath and that's it!

The "mom to be" looks very happy, don't you think?

Simple project - Iphone 5 crochet case

This time I will show you a very simple project that I did in a night, an Iphone 5 case.

It's only 12 rounds of 27 doubles crochet, then 5 rounds of decreasing and finally a button! 


While I was making my blouse I also spend some of my crocheting time making some accessories for me and my friends, I found the headband on the internet and the necklace just came out of my mind...

Here they are and I hope you like it


Saturday, June 22, 2013

My first work

This all start one day on Pinterest, I was looking arround and then I saw it, it was a crochet blouse that made me want to learn this art, so I went to the store and purchased a basic hook, the most cheap yarn and a crochet magazine and called my mom, she explained me what she could by phone and I made a chain of crochet chains... then Pinterest, You Tube, and a lot of single pages had help me improve my technique. Now I'm just another addict crocheter.

I'm not the best, but at least I enjoy it a lot!!!

Here you can find the lovely guilty blouse:

And this is the one I made myself, my very first crochet project:  

What do you think?