Sunday, June 23, 2013

Coursage for a baby shower

This weekend my friends and I organized a Baby Shower for the first mother of the group, so I wanted to do something special for her and I decided to crochet a coursage :)

I was inspired by Pinterest and I looked for some patterns that could be helpfull, then I took my hook and voilá!

Here is the result:

I used a 100% cotton yarn and a hook of 2 mm, I first made the white dreamcatcher with this pattern then I made the circle of joy coaster, then the flower and leafs comes from here with a little modifications (more "petals" for the flower). and finally the stroller, that one is just trial and error so I didn't write it down. Then put a lath and that's it!

The "mom to be" looks very happy, don't you think?

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